Warning: mysqli_query(): MySQL server has gone away in /home/zakupator/web/zakupator.com/public_html/framework/libs/vendor/DbSimple/Mysqli.php on line 168

Warning: mysqli_query(): Error reading result set's header in /home/zakupator/web/zakupator.com/public_html/framework/libs/vendor/DbSimple/Mysqli.php on line 168
SQL Error: MySQL server has gone away at /home/zakupator/web/zakupator.com/public_html/application/plugins/admin/classes/modules/users/mapper/Users.mapper.class.php line 416
Array ( [code] => 2006 [message] => MySQL server has gone away [query] => SELECT * FROM `prefix_admin_users_ban` WHERE ( ( -- user condition `block_type` & 1 AND `user_id` = 0 ) OR ( -- ip `block_type` & 2 AND `ip` = 65859419 ) OR ( -- ip range `block_type` & 4 AND 65859419 BETWEEN `ip_start` AND `ip_finish` ) ) AND ( `time_type` = 1 OR ( `time_type` = 2 AND '2021-10-17 19:45:15' BETWEEN `date_start` AND `date_finish` ) ) ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1 [context] => /home/zakupator/web/zakupator.com/public_html/application/plugins/admin/classes/modules/users/mapper/Users.mapper.class.php line 416 )